Gospel of John Chapter 1

The Gospel of John Chapter 1 reveals John the Baptist as a major player in the greatest story in history.  But his cousin Jesus Christ is the real star and John the Baptist knows it.

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Daily Study Questions for the Gospel of John Chapter 1

Day One

1. What do you learn about God from reading verses 1 and 2?

2. Jesus Christ is referred to as the Word.  List 5 aspects of Jesus Christ we learn from studying verses 1-4.

3. Jesus is referred to as the Light.  List 5 truths you learn about the Light from reading verses 4 though 9.

Day Two

1. Compare the 2 basic reactions man has to Jesus as the Light in reading the Gospel of John Chapter 3, verses 19-21.

2. What truths can you see by studying the Epistle of I John Chapter 3 verse 1 and then studying verses 10-11?

3. Give some examples of how the world did not recognize and did not receive Jesus Christ.

Day Three

1. In reading verse 16 it says we have received blessing after blessing from Jesus Christ.  What blessings have you received?

2. Why would the message John preached as shown in verse 15 seem strange to the Jews?

3. List 5 things you learn about John the Baptist from reading Luke Chapter 1, verses 14-17 as given by the angel Gabriel.

John 1:1-5

Day Four

1. What do you learn about John the Baptist from studying what Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 11, verses 7 through 14?

2. Read Matthew 3:5-6, and Mark 1:5.  Why did the Jewish leaders send messengers to ask John the Baptist about his identity?

3. From the nature of the question the Pharisees asked in verse 24, what was their view of John’s authority to baptize? 

Day Five

1. What reason does John the Baptist give for performing water baptisms and what life lesson do we gather from this concept today?

2. From studying the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verses 32 through 34 explain: 

  • What John the Baptist saw
  • Who told him it would happen
  • What it signified
  • Who John the Baptist stated Jesus was

3. From studying the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verses 35 through 40 explain:

  • Who was John the Baptist with when he said "Look, the Lamb of God!"
  • What their reaction was when John made the statement
  • What Jesus asked them
  • What we can discern of their intentions from their reply
  • What was Jesus’ reply
  • What you think they did for the rest of that day

Day Six

1. What can we surmise of the character and life of Andrew from studying the following verses? 

  • Matt 4:18
  • Matt 4:20
  • Luke 6:13-16
  • John 1:37
  • John 1:44
  • John 6:8-9

2. What do we know about Peter from a study of the following verses? 

  • Matt 16:21-23
  • Matt 19:27
  • Mark 8:29
  • John 13:6-8
  • Acts 3:1-26
  • Acts 4:13
  • Gal 2:7-9

3. Compare Nathanael’s initial impression of Jesus when he was first told of him to the greeting Jesus gave Nathanael and his impression of Nathanael.

We pray this study of the Gospel of John Chapter 1 has blessed you and encourages you to continue to study God's Holy Word.

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