Gospel of John Chapter 21

In the Gospel of John Chapter 21 John tells us of a third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection and the restoration of Peter on the beach of the Sea of Galilee.

If you read nothing else in this chapter, read verse 25.

Your learning comes from reading and studying the Bible. After you have read the Scripture passage below, answer the following questions. It's a good idea to do them every day.

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Answer the questions below from the Gospel of John, Chapter 21.

You can download these questions to study on your own or with a partner if you like. 

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Daily Study Questions for the Gospel of John Chapter 21

Day One

1. What is another name for the Sea of Tiberius?

2. From a reading of Gospel of Matthew Chapter 4, verses 18-22, why does it seem natural that some of the disciples were at the Sea of Tiberius fishing?  See the first 3 verses of the Gospel of John Chapter 21.

3. What does Didymus mean and why was it used when Thomas is named? (See the Gospel of John Chapter 11, verse 16; the Gospel of John Chapter 20, verse 24; and the Gospel of John Chapter 21, verse 2)

Day Two

1. What are some possible reasons that the disciples did not recognize Jesus when he called to them from the shore?

2. How did John know that it was the Lord who had called to them?  Does the record of Gospel of Luke Chapter 5, verses 1-11 help us understand why John may have recognized Jesus as provided in verse 7?

3. Why did Peter jump into the sea?

Day Three

1. What's the difference in the three questions Jesus asked Peter and what is Peter’s answer to each question?

2. What or who could Jesus have been referring to when he said to Peter “. . .do you love me more than these?” in verse 15?

3. Why was Jesus asking Peter the questions about his love for him?  Doesn’t Jesus know all things?

Day Four

1. Who are the lambs (see verse 15) and sheep (see verses 16 and 17) Jesus refers to?

2. What was it specifically that Jesus wanted Peter to do…what changes in his life was Jesus asking Peter to make, what actions to take?

3. Why was this meeting between Jesus and Peter so important?

Day Five

1. Why do you think Peter asked Jesus about John?

2. What does tradition tell us of Peter and John’s deaths?

3. Did Jesus say John would not die?  What does he mean by his statement in verse 23 "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?"

Day Six

John 21:25

A question for everyone to answer - (pick one).

  • Which character(s) do you identify with most from the Gospel of John: Peter, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, John, Martha, someone else? Why?
  • What is your favorite verse or story from the Gospel of John?
  • What have you learned about Jesus from this study of the Gospel of John that has blessed you?

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